How to Blend Hair Extensions for the Natural Appearance


Hair extension is one of the greatest chances to change your hair, its thickness, length, and even color if necessary. However, the beauty of the hair extension lies in how well it can be integrated to fit the natural hair. The following tips will be useful when you learn more about applying for extensions on a client or when you are applying for extensions on your hair at home.

Choosing the Right Extensions

The basis for achieving the desired effect of a perfect combination is choosing the right hair extension.

  • Texture Match: The extensions should be of the same hair type as your natural hair type.
  • Color Match: one needs to look at the highlights, lowlights, and the general tonality of the hair.
  • Length Consideration: Select extensions that are not longer than a few inches from your natural hair so that they blend well.

Layering and Trimming for a Perfect Blend

After this, layering and trimming of the hair is very important if one wants to achieve the best look.

  • Trimming: Cut the extensions to fit the length and layers of the natural hair.
  • Layering: If your natural hair is layered, make sure that the extensions are layered in the same manner.
  • Feathering: It is also important to feather the ends of the extensions by cutting them at an angle.

Proper Placement of Extensions

Below are some tips that will help you in the process of applying for the grant.

  • Strategic Placement: Extensions should be put in places where they can be blended with your hair such that nobody will be able to tell that you are wearing extensions. It is also important not to install most of the extensions near the hairline or at the nape of the head as this will make them easily visible.
  • Spacing: When using extensions it is advisable to ensure that there is adequate space between the extensions. When extensions overlap, they become thicker and are therefore more conspicuous. Proper positioning of the extensions also guarantees that they are evenly spread on the head of the client and thus makes them blend well.
  • Avoiding Over-Application: When one uses too many extensions, he or she ends up with something that looks too heavy and complicated to blend. Extensions should not be overdone but should be few and far between and should not overpower the natural hair.

Styling Techniques to Blend Extensions

But the role of styling is also significant after applying and cutting the extensions, to make the hair look natural.

  • Blending with Heat Tools: When blending natural hair with extensions, one can use heat styling tools such as curling iron, flat iron, and blow dryers. For instance, when you curl both the natural hair and the extensions the two intermingle and give a natural look. Do not forget the heat protectant as this will help in the protection of both the natural hair and the extensions.
  • Backcombing: It is advisable to backcomb or tease a little bit the roots of your natural hair before attaching the clip-in extensions to help conceal the attachment points especially if you have fine hair.
  • Blending Products: A texturizing spray or a light hairspray may be used to assist blend your natural hair with the extensions. Such products can provide volume and support to the extensions so that they blend well with natural hair.
  • Avoiding Flatness: To ensure that the extensions do not look flat and unrealistic, give some movement and volume to the extensions. This can be done by applying waves or curls as they give the hair a fuller and blended look as compared to straight hair.

Maintaining Your Blended Look

Caring for your hair extensions means that you have to continue with the blending process to ensure that your hair looks natural.

  • Regular Trims: This is true for your natural hair as it is for the extensions; they should be trimmed from time to time to avoid split ends.
  • Proper Care: Do a proper hair care schedule of washing, conditioning, and detangling. It will enhance the health of the hair. Do not use heavy products on them.


In conclusion, to wear hair extensions in a way that they look like your natural hair, one has to choose the right extensions, apply them properly, and style them. A proper selection of extensions, layering and trimming according to the natural hair, proper placement of extensions, and proper styling techniques will help to create a natural and perfect look. If maintained well, your extensions shall continue making your hairstyle even more attractive for the next few months giving you that voluminous blend you desire.

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